*Author's note (how fun was that to just call myself an author!)*
It's been a while since I've written/blogged. One of my personal commitments to myself in 2013 is to write more and more and more - because I love it and it's both therapeutic and reflective. In the coming days/weeks I'm going to be working on updating the look and feel of my blog - so please, stay tuned! :)
I remember the holidays of 2010. I was in a very similar predicament as many - overweight (and then some), feeling absolutely exhausted with feeling absolutely exhausted (yes, that's possible), and dreaming of change. I remember making the decision to commit to changing my life by focusing on my health. I also remember how intimidating that was.
I love seeing all of the optimism and hope among so many as we have
begun a new year with a world of new possibilities and opportunities. But my mind also has flashbacks of Jan. 2011 when I was just beginning my own journey. It was both exciting and absolutely frightening. As I read of many who are "starting now", I think of how much they're going to go through mentally as they begin. I think of those things because they're all the things I went through and, believe it or not, still do from time to time. We're all human. It's OK to accept this.
This morning, Jan. 1st, 2013, as I was working on my 5K at the gym, I thought of all the things I'd say to those whom are starting their journey anew this 2013. Here is my letter of hope to them...
Dear Friend,
I want you to know that I'm proud of you. You might look at others and think they've more of a reason to be proud because they're skinny, or toned, or know what to eat and when to eat it and don't go on a food sabotage when life gets tough. But, I'm proud of YOU. Because you've decided to change your life today .... and tomorrow, and next week, and prayerfully for the rest of your life. That's the first step and, rightfully so, one of the hardest. But as gung-ho as you feel right now about a brand new year and pursuing a brand new you, let's keep it real. You're going to feel defeated very soon. I don't want you to, but you will. When you walk into the gym for the first time and feel like you've no idea where to begin while everyone else is already 15-20-30 minutes into their workouts... it's OK, they are not on your journey. When you leave and feel exhausted, yet don't "feel" like you've made a difference in your health...it's OK, you have and please, go back again tomorrow. And when you go back again tomorrow and you're on the treadmill or the elliptical or the stationary bike and you're cursing at yourself in your head because you can't believe you've allowed yourself to get to this ungodly stage of discomfort.... it's OK, just keep going. In the days and weeks ahead, you're going to feel overwhelmed and contemplate if it's even worth it.... it's OK, because you're not alone in that train of thought. Sometimes after a long day at work, you're going to try and convince yourself that you've absolutely no gas left in the tank and that you've a million other better things to do with your time once you get home.... it's OK, because you do have gas left and I promise you, you won't regret having gone. And those weeks when things just don't go right - you've either gotten sloppy with watching what you eat or the scale fails to depict the hard work you have put in... it's OK, there's always tomorrow. Never feel like you're fighting this fight alone, yet never try to compare what you're doing with the next person. Although we might all relate to the mental anguish we put ourselves through and the trials we constantly face, this journey is solely yours. And not everyone will be on board with what you're trying to do. That's inevitable. Some might act like they are, but sadly, they're just being fake. Some might take you improving your health as being cocky or pompous (which, by the way, makes absolutely NO sense to me since our health is the only thing we've got). Some might purposefully or non-purposefully try to sabotage every effort you put forth, but never feel bad to just say no and carry on. You can't please everyone, but that's OK. You shouldn't need to. Because who is this journey for? It's for YOU. Stay humble, yet hungry. You're doing the right thing even when it feels like you're not even close.
So, dear friend, this is it. It's January 1st and now is the time when you said you'd commit to change. You know it won't be easy and you know it's going to take sacrifice and balance, but you KNOW it's going to be worth it and so much more. No matter what, just remember it's OK, OK? Because it really is. An imperfect journey is a perfect journey, made specifically for YOU. Now go get 'em. :)
The girl whom, after two years, is STILL telling herself .... "it's OK".
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